Pigott, Warehouse, Industrial Design

Asset and Inventory Management

Pigott’s warehouse services ensure careful protection and management of products. From receiving and inspection services to long-term and short-term storage, we’ve got you covered.

Pigott’s Connect Asset Management, CAM, allows you to store product efficiently and effectively. With CAM, comprehensive project inventories can be completed on-site for any type of project or products. CAM manages the level of assets needed for normal churn so changes and reconfigurations can be made efficiently. Our warehouse facilities have been designed to accommodate your assets and inventory. We also provide short-term product storage for pending installation and long-term storage of excess inventory. Products are protected from dirt, dust, and damage in a climate-controlled environment.

We help you better utilize your assets and avoid costs by:

  • Simplifying the tracking process
  • Reusing your company’s existing assets
  • Analyzing assets to eliminate obsolete inventory and reduce storage costs
  • Managing the asset levels to address churn, so reconfigurations can be executed more efficiently
  • Reducing cycle time from order to delivery and facilitating complete, on-time, and error-free installation